Your Church Roof (sieve) – Repairs Update No. 2
Well, it certainly lived up to its name when the Archdeacon was trying to speak during a recent service. The leak was down to damage of tiles when high level scaffolding was removed – otherwise known as a large hole, now temporarily repaired.
All metal drainage work has been ordered and fitted to the high level. This was delayed slightly due to the wrong type being ordered.
Investigations have taken place now that the roof scaffolding is in place, which identified that some pointing was needed around high level windows, and a variation was agreed to re-point. Investigation into roof woodwork took place and no issues were found, so work can proceed as planned.
Work has started on roof removal on the south side. Project timeline is being escalated.
The scaffolding is going up on the North side of the Church, commenced 19/03/24 – this is to enable a second team of roofers to start. Both sides will be managed by Alfie and the foreman Rob Mitchell; this will enable us to achieve the final date for final completion and billing of 30th June.
A discussion was held regarding the tiles. It was originally planned to recycle 50% of the old tiles and have 50% new. However, when the investigation of the woodwork took place it was identified that some sealant had been used and as a result there are no reusable tiles. We were given two options:
1. To go for all new tiles, or
2. To use reclaimed tiles. We chose reclaimed tiles as the costs for having all new were prohibitive. Using reclaimed tiles will still require us to use some of the contingency funding.
The next major milestones:
- Strip down of the south roof, starting 21/03 onwards
- Scaffolding on the North side, starting 19/03
A meeting was held with Pinnacle on 18/03 following a complaint raised regarding poor workmanship and the large water leak in church following high level scaffolding removal. Issues were discussed and apologies were given – it was agreed that it should not have happened. Discussion over damage was discussed and would be discussed further when more access becomes available to assess damage. It was also agreed that more supervision would be given on site to avoid a re-occurrence of the problem.
Phill Kicks – Churchwarden
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